Monday 25 May 2009

Hello and welcome to the first challenge!

Well our first challenge is finally here and what an exciting day it is for us and hopefully for you too. As you know our first challenge is "anything goes" so you can use any colour promarkers you may have (even if you only have one) but please can you tell us which colours you have used on your post. Now for the first challenge (and the first challenge only) we are offering mega prizes from our four sponsors, therefore we will not allow you to combine our challenge with any other challenge, but only for this week.
The amazing prizes are:

Daisy May Digi Stamps is offering 5 sheets of downloads!

Janet at Pink Gem Designs is offering one of her own gorgeous stamps "Beach Sprinkles"

After this week, you are free to combine our challenge with any other challenge you like, as long as promarkers are used to colour your images. The design team have come up with some wonderful samples to get our first challenge off to an amazing start (if you would like to know any details about the DT cards just click on the photo). So without further ado, here are the DT samples:-


Caryn 500

resize 500


Denise 500

Gina 500


Helen 500


Ida 500


Maria 500


Michele 500


Natalie 500


Sarah 500


Sue 500

We will be accepting entries from crafters who do not have their own blogs, just email a copy of your creation to either Gina or Denise and we will add it to the blog for you. Just add your name and link to Mr Linky (only add your card link not your whole blog!) and you can enter as many times as you like as long as your link is different each time. Thanks for all your support, we can't wait to see all your lovely promarker creations.

If you do not see Mr Linky, please add your card to the comments box, your card will be valid, please just leave the link to your card and not your blog, thank you xxx

Unfortunately Mr Linky seems to be having a breakdown at the moment. If you have already linked your card using Mr Linky please can you re-link your card in the comments section below, otherwise we may never be able to see your lovely creation. Thanks for understanding - it seems all the blogs using Mr Linky are experiencing the same problem!

If you are unsure how to link your card, there are instructions in the sidebar.

Hugs, Gina & Denise x


Manda said...

Wow what a talented team you are! Looking forward to seeing all the other creations. Off to finish my first ever challenge card x

Mar G said...

Wow from me too....Gorgeous cards from the DT team!
Well Done ladies x

clare said...

all gorgeous card from the can't wait for my markers to arrive..ive got my image
and OMG..out of this world prizes..hopefully my luck is still with me.
Good luck everyone
hugs clare xx

Ruth said...

These cards are just to work now and will be thinking about mine till I get back! Ruth x

LISA said...

Lovely work from the DT, well done all of you:-))))

Suzanne said...

Gorgeous DT cards. All very talented.

Suzanne x

Shell said...

Fantastic dt cards, keep up the good work girls. looking forwad to the next challenge.
Shell x

Powerful Search Engine said...

Hi cannot see Mr Linky so Here is my card Brill samples and great idea for a challenge blog Hugs Pascale

Manda said...

Think Mr Linky has gone for lunch lol
Here is my card
Good Luck everyone!
Manda xxxxx

Wendy @ E-1-A said...

The most beautiful cards I have seen anywhere.

Julie said...

Good luck with your challenge blog. Fab cards by the DT. You'll find my card HERE
Julie x

Stine said...

Here is my card :)


Annie said...

congratulations on the new blog girls! Suzanne persuaded me to join in, but I'm still practicing with my ProMarkers. My card is here as Mr Linky is no where to be seen! hugs, annie x

tanjaak said...

Of course Mr Linky wasn´t working, just my luck. But here is my entry (first of many) for the challenge.

Here's my entry

Stine said...

One more card :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Fantastic DT cards!

I only own 3 promarkers but so glad i could take part and celebrate your first challenge!

Here's mine!Thank you for looking! and good luck in all your future challenges!!

Hugs Carlz xxx

Julie said...

Oh how exciting the day has finally arrived !
Good luck on such a fabulous blog and challenges. I love the idea you have shown the next few weeks in advance so those of us with a minimal collection have chance to buy the colours in advance but on a budget too!
Very clever and very kind - well done to who thought that up!
I love all the DT cards and can't wait to finish mine and enter for the challenge.
Good Luck everyone!

I have just a few ProMarkers (well my daughter has for her Art GCSE that I bought her as a present, but we can never find them on a school day! - bad mother!),so the Joanna Sheen Prize would be awesome! Here's hoping!

Unknown said...

Many congrats on your first challenge looking at the dt cards made me wonder if i should bother lol!!! all soooo gorgeous anyway here my card HERE fabby challenge wish id done something smaler my colouring not brill still in practise mode hug to you all xx

Apris said...

Sunny greetings from Finland. Congratulations for first challenge.
Lovely DT cards.
Here is link to my card

Anonymous said...

ProMarkers are great! - I`m so happy there are a challenge-blog for this! Hope to try to follow more of your challenges, - here you can see my first card:

Elaine ♥ said...

Fantastic cards by the talented DT... I am so excited about this blog, its right up my street with my love of Promarkers..

You can find my card HERE

Unknown said...

Hi, I can not see Mr Linky, so here is my card.

Dawn said...

Good luck ladies!
Gorgeous cards ..
Here is my Card – Thanks for Looking!Dawn

tanjaak said...

Here is another card I made as you said one could enter as many times as one wants to.

Here's my entry

tanjaak said...

And ones again...

Here's my entry

Gro said...

Wonderfull DT-cards. Here is my promarker-card.

LISA said...

Here is the card I posted early today via Mr Linky who has now had a breakdown due to the high demand for his services lol
Once gain thanks for a great challenge.

Tilde said...

Lovely card. Thank you for a new challenge and good luck.

Torill said...

here is my card! I have linked me up before... but I couldn't find my self... Hope I'm in:0)

craftypagan said...

Fantastic new blog-can't wait to see what happens in the coming weeks. You have a fantastic design team too!Here's my entry

Sally H said...

Great cards from the design team! Thanks for setting up the blog. I am new to promarkers, but am addicted already!Here's my entry!

jeany said...

Fantastic cards from the DT......lOVE LOVE LOVE the prizes :):)
Good luck everyone !!!!!
here is mine

Mar G said...

Ok here is my FIRST ever challenge card....
Good Luck Everybody! x

*Michaela* said...

Hurray!!! I am so excited to enter! Here is link to My Card!


Shell said...

hiya girls, i did use mr linky yesterday but dont want to miss out on this fantastic prize so am linking my card HERE as well. hope this ok
shell x

Manda said...

wow what a great response you have got on the first day! Conrats on getting the word out to so many.
here in another enrty from me

Bea said...

I am so excited that theres finally a blog dedicated to Promarkers and some yummy candy to win too
heres my card

Sarah B said...

Here my card, Good luck everyone, gonna have to blog hop tonight to see everyone's creations, Hugs Sarah B X

Foxcraft said...

My entry for the challenge is HEREI hope it is ok xxxx Caz

Donna said...

Fabulous cards from the DT. And congrats on your new challenge blog.
Here's my entry

Ruth said...

Hi ,I have got the card made now and hope you like it. I drew the image of my back garden,Ruth x
You can find it here Thanks for looking.

Anonymous said...

Lovely cards from the DT and the prizes are great too. Looks like this is going to be a really popular blog. Congratulations
This is my entryLove Sarah xxx

Anonymous said...

Here is another entry for this challenge. I have dozens more of these. But this is a good advert for ProMarkers as I use them everyday and they are used a lot in the lessons I teach. So they are a good investment!
This is my entry Love Sarah xxx

Beryl said...

Glad to be able to join in this week as I can use some of the colours I've got. Hope to join in from now on.My card is


Beryl xx

clare said...

Hi all DT girls..would just like to say a massive PM's arrived this morning..and they are all gorgeous..i haved a little play...and they are thanks everyone esp Gina & Denise xxx

WOW..the DT cards are all gorgeous..and i see more sponsors and prizes have been i better get crafting...thanks for the chance hugs clare xx

and good luck everyone..i just hope my luck stays with me..not that im being x

Claresflair said...

Here's my card - I've not had PM's long but I'm game for a challenge! DT cards are great - hope mine's a competitor. (Colours used are listed on my blog!)

tanjaak said...

Here is another entry from me again.

Here's my entry

tanjaak said...

Here´s my second entry for today.

Here's my entry

Donna said...

Congratulations Gina & Denise on the launch of your new challenge blog and what away to kick start the challenge with such wonderful sponsors and prizes. Well done to the DT on their creations too, lots of inspiration to be had :) Donna x

You can see my card here thanks for looking

Diane.W. said...

Hello Girlies!!!
Fab challenge & Dt cards.

Hope it's ok,I made a notebook rather than a card?!

It's HERE TFL :o)x

Tracy said...

Wow great challenge ladies, my first time using promarkers, but I think I'll enjoy using them. Fantastic DT cards and great organization getting this challenge off the ground. Good Idea letting us know in advance which promarkers we'll need. got mine just concentrating on building my collection now. Here's my cardHappy crafting
Tracy x

Manda said...

I am so enjoying this challenge. sorry can not get the link to work.

Tracy said...

Wow, I love your DT cards, they are amazing. This is actually the first time I have used my Promarkers, so I am really a newbie. I would love to win the prize because I am quite far away and it is really hard for me to get stash, especially Promarkers as I have to order them from abroad! I posted my card here

Rach and Jan said...

Outstanding DT cards!! Cya next week girlies.
Here's mine

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Fantastic creations from the DT and how lucky are you to have such fantastic sponsors you lucky things !!
fingers crossed and here is my card Emma xxx

crafty amy said...

The DT are mega talented! Love all your cards. Thank you for a chance to win this huge prise and for this blog I love my pro markers :)

Here is my cardX Amy X

Tracy said...

Wow the DT have all made stunning cards.I love all the different styles, great inspiration!
here's my effort

Sarah B said...

I'm going to be really cheeky and enter another card for the challenge

Hugs Sarah BX

PS: I love this challenge!!

Unknown said...

Such a great challenge and the most amazing prizes! The DT cards are amazing and I'm in awe of their colouring skills here is my card and thanks for looking

Jan x

LISA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LISA said...

Here is another card for the challenge, i deleted my last post as i forgot the link....sorry lol
Keep up the great work xxx

Terhi said...

Wow...fabulous DT-cards and great prizes. You can find my card here...hopefully I linked it right..

Sapphires-Crafty-Cards said...

wow lovely DT cards and well done ladies on the first challenge
Here's my entryhuggies
Michelle Xx

Nyten said...

Wow, you all make wonderful cards!! Here is my card.
Thanks for looking!!

Vicki said...

Hiya Girls

Just popping by to wish you all the best with your first challenge, and every continued success with Passion for Promarkers. I wish I could join in but unfortunately I don't have any!!! Some wonderful cards from the DT and wow!! what an amazing selection of prizes up for grabs. Good luck everyone and have fun xx vicki xx

Cathy said...

Fab prizes and great DT cards. My card is here.Thanks for looking,
Cathy xx

Jenny S. (UK) said...

Fabulous DT cards going to love this new challenge blog Here is my card. Thanks for looking

pinky said...

Wow what an exciting blog challenge, so glad to find you and your designs where inspirational. You can find my card herePinky

Tara said...

I'm so glad I found this site! Lovely entries so far... here's mine

Katie L Oakley said...

here is my entry!Lovely cards for the DT! :) Goodluck everyone...

Katie L Oakley said...

here is my second card


Gill said...

Some lovely cards and what a fantastic first challenge. So here is my card


Sam said...

What fab DT cards. Thank's for giving me an excuse to increase my collection of PMs....
Here's my card for the first challenge
Sam x

Mervi said...

Super challenge ! 2 Promarker- heavyusers are here waiting to win;-))m
Here's my summercard

Pjay said...

Love the DT's work they are all beautiful hope you like mine take a peekhere Hugs Pxx

Tracy said...

I couldn't resist making another card using my Promarkers last night.
here it isHugs T x

Bente said...

Congrats on the opening :) Lovely cards from everyone!!

Here's my card

Sarah B said...

HI All, another entry from me, In for a penny in for a Pound,

Hugs Sarah B X

Teri said...

The DT cards are absolutely fabulous!

I had fun with my entry for this one .... Here it is!Teri xxx

Fredhøy - Gro said...

Beautiful DT's! Here's mine! Thanks for looking!

Gro said...

Fantastic new blog, congratulations!
Georgeous DT cards!
My card

debra said...

Wow i am really excited about this challenge and great DT cards my card is here"

Kim. said...

Wow the DT cards are just perfect, I love them all. It is really nice to look at blogs and see the colours used listed as I think it gives you inspiration as to what you can achieve especially if you are a novice of shading.
I have gone with a nice bright card for my first entry which you can find here.
Thanks for looking.
Kim xXx

Kim. said...

As per last comment, you can find my second very different card here.
Thanks for looking and I am really glad that you have so many people joining in with the challenge. Good luck to you all.
Kim xXx

Gry-Heidi said...

Gorgeous DT-work :)

My card is here

Thanks for looking :)

Tracy said...

I love all your cards, my second entry is here

Tracy said...

My third card is here! Thanks so much for this opportunity

Shelly said...

Hi Girls! Firstly I want to congratulate you on the launch of this fab new challenge blog! I just had to get some Promarkers to be able to take part! Well done also to the DT, you've really stepped up to the mark with some lovely cards! You cand find my very first attempt with Promarkers HERE. Thanks for the chance to win these super prizes! xx

tracy said...

great work from the dt, what an amazing start to this challenge thanks so much girls.
you can find my entry here

tracy x

SueF said...

Great 1st challenge, lovely design team cards
here’s my entrySue

Emma said...

Wow gorgeous cards ladies and mega prizes.
My entry is hereEmma x

Scrappymax said...

What a fantastic start to the challenge, I am just loving seeing all the DT cards,
Here's mine

Scrappymax said...

Well that didn't work, I never seem to get this linking thing. Oh well, lets try again.

Here's mine

"pappi puikoissa" said...

My card is here. Thanks for challenge!

Scrappymax said...

Again Here's mine

Sarah B said...

I promise this is my last entry, Thanks for a great Cahllenge, Hugs Sarah B X

Scrappymax said...

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong as the only bit I am unsure about is do I remove the .html or leave it in when I link.

I will try again but if not I will give up as I never seem to be able to get this bit right.

Thanks Maxine

HerePS. For this I kept the .html

coldwaters2 said...

Hi my entry is on my blog
HereThe Dt cards are beautiful.

Lorraine x

Victoria said...

These DT carfds are amazing, I'm hoping to pick up loads of tips and advice on using ProMarkers here.

here's my cardI hope I@ve done the link right


Linanna DESIGNS said...

Good morning ladies, congratulations on the launch of your new challenge blog. Im sure it will be a great success as you have a wonderful DT line up, a bunch of awesome , toally talented ladies. I love all your DT cards thank you for the inspiration.

My card is HERE Thank you for the chance to win such fabulous prizes this week.

Hugs Linda x

sandra's crafty corner said...

amazing blog, i have only just got my promarkers so still learning how to use them, but this seemed far to good to miss lol
Here is my card.
thanks for the chance to win a great prize xxx

Joey said...

Hi everyone, fantastic start to your new challenge :O) awesome prizes wow, and the dt inspiration is just gorgeous. I didnt see Mr Linky so here is mycard Thanks for looking.

Ps: on the weeks where it is set colours like "apple and pastel pink" I dont have apple so can I still join the challenge if I used Pastel Pink?

Helen said...

thanks for a great blog, here is my card for the challenge

Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...

Beautiful cards from the DT. Here's my entry.

Manda said...

Another enrty from me lol
Can you tell I love this challenge???????
Sorry for the lack of a link I can not get it to work :(

Kristin said...

Congratulations with the first challenge running! :D

Here is my entry!

WeirdCat said...

I am at the end of a very long line of entries, well for the moment anyway, love the DT work, great idea for a challenge blog.
Here is my entry for this week

Aimes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aimes said...

What a fab way to kick off the challenges eh?! Lovely cards by the DT and a nice easy challenge to start with plus, some amazing prizes to tempt me to play!
I can't see Mister Linky so I hope you can check out my card here!I hope you like it!

blackdragon said...

Wonderful DT cards...wish i could colour half as well.
Here is my card.... i hope!!!!

XXX blackdragon XXX

Anonymous said...

What a great challenge! I've only got two promarker pens,but had to try anyway, and it actually was great fun!
Here is my card

Sue said...

wow fabulous cards by the DT,thanks for a great challenge:)

Here is my card Sue

Kreastine said...

wow, great prizes.and exiting with a new challenge blog. here is my card:)

craftingdeb said...

My card for entry to the challenge can be found here

Kim. said...

Love the prizes and DT cards. You can find my entry here.
Thanks for looking.
Kim xXx

Debs said...

wow some fantastic cards from the DT. I dont often enter challenges but had some promarkers bought for my birthday so thought id give it a whirl, at this moment in time im crossing fingers and toes that i manage to link it right - always manage the whole blog but have trouble with individual post :-( but here goes my entry can be found here

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Good luck with this fantastic challenge blog, I have already ordered the colours needed for the next four challenges, can't wait!!
Here is my entryI would love to win such fantastic prizes, I've had a bad week and I hope my luck might change. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!!
Keep up the good work Hugs Julie x

Mary G said...

some really fab cards there.heres my first ever challenge entry:

clare said...

Hi All
Gorgeous card by all the DT girls.
Just want to say another thanks for my gorgeous ProMarkers..i love em..and im
so here is just one of my cards for this
here is my cardthanks for looking hugs clare x

clare said...

here is my 2nd cardthanks hugs clare xx

and thanks for your comments on my first cardxx

Shelly said...

Hiya Girls! I've managed to do another card, just so I could have a play with my new pens! HERE it is, thanks for looking xx

Pink Dandelion said...

I could have sworn I had left a comment here but I can't find it now. I don't want to miss out so you can find my card here

Chrissie said...

Gorgeous DT cards ladies!
My Card is here

DillyDilly said...

Have really enjoyed doing this. My card is here

Bente said...

Congratulations on the new and exiting blog! Here is my card:=)

Kirsten...x said...

wow great dt cards, and such a good responce to the challenge...
hers my cardhugs kirsten...x

Katie L Oakley said...

Hiya girls!
Another entry from me!
You can see it herexxx

Lynne said...

Hi. What a fabulous response to your first challenge. Gorgeous entries and DT work

Here's my entry!


Michelle said...

Beutiful cards by the DT I love em all. I have just used my nes PM for the very 1st time and have decided to enter the card for the challenge, here is the link


Julie said...

Wow this is such a fab challenge. I have only recently been introduced to Pro Markers (having bought some for my daughter for her art at school), I love them! So I have to keep hiding hers! lol !
Thank you to all the sponsors for such awesome prizes and fingers crossed here is my entry:-
here's mine

Jackie said...

And another one from me :)
Here’s my entry

Manda said...

Last enrty from me lol HONEST
Thanks for a great challenge!!!!

clare said...

Good Morning All
Its me
ive gone and done another
and here it is my 3rd entrythanks for your lovely comments on my other cards...hugs clare x

Ruth said...

I couldn't resist the temptation to enter another card.
Here it is
Thanks for looking, Ruth x

Monika said...

Just curious ... shouldn't this challenge end at 26/5??

Anonymous said...

Omgosh what gorgeous cards everyone has created, wonderful examples from the DT, i think this is going to be one of my favourite challenge blogs.

I had great fun this past week working on cards using my Promarkers, and made my final choice this morning of which card i would enter and Here it is.

Thanks for creating such a great blog, i look forward to the forthcoming challenges.

Happy Crafting all

Anonymous said...

So many entries. It's amazing. A very successful launch.
Here is another card from. Hope you like it. Love Sarah XXX
This is my entry

Anonymous said...

I'm a new user of Pro-markers so this is a simple card to get me started. Will be keeping a close eye on your blog for any tips and techniques.
See my card here

jenny said...

What a fab idea for a challenge blog :0) Love it!! Gorgeous DT cards to inspire too x
Here is my cardThanks for looking x
Jenny xx

Unknown said...

Finally Mand to get this done and dusted, hope you like it Heres mine

Katie L Oakley said...

Finally! Another 4 cards from me, all made tonight! You can see them here! Am a bit tired now! Goodluck everyone xxx

Lynsey said...

Thanks for a great first challenge and the fabby DT inspiration. My card is here.
Hugs Lynsey:)

Margaret said...

This is the first challenge I've entered couldn't resist when i saw it was for pro markers here is my card

Birgit said...

here's mine Wow what a super blog. I hope I was able to link my contribution.

Crafty Han said...

My first challenge using promarkers. Very exciting! Amazing entries so's my attemptGood Luck everyone :)

Jayne W said...

Thanks for a great blog, looking forward to the challenges. Here is my attempt:

My attempt

Katarina said...

That was a lot of entries you got here. Congrats! I hope someone will come by and see my card, lol.


Manda said...

Ok I lied but I have an excuse! I have been awake since silly oclock! So what else was I to do? lol
This is now my last enrty into this weeks challenge.

clare said...

Hi All
Im back

here is my creationthanks for looking clare x

clare said...

here it isthanks clare x

Sam said...

Just had to have another entry for these wonderful prizes, its on my blog at
Sam x