Tuesday 10 November 2009

Week 25 - Sketch

Hello and welcome to another challenge here at PFP.  Before we reveal this week’s challenge we would like to say a big thank you for all your gorgeous entries to Manda’s colour combo last week.  Don’t forget to check back later to see who the lucky winner of the £10.00 voucher from Joanna Sheen will be and to find out who Manda has chosen as her top 5 passionista.
Right onto this week’s challenge.  Ida had the pleasure of setting our challenge this week and she has given us a fantastic sketch to work with.  Don’t forget you can use any colours of promarkers but you must follow the sketch!

Our sponsor this week is Secret Crafter and the lucky winner will receive 6 promarkers of their choice :)
The design team have thoroughly enjoyed using Ida’s sketch and have created some gorgeous samples for you (please click on their names to visit their personal blogs)


dsc00816 (2)

PFP challenge 25 - Ida's sketch

We hope you all enjoy using the sketch as much as we did this week and we look forward to visiting your blogs. 
There will be another fantastic tutorial for you on Friday in the Weekend Workshop. 
Hugs, Denise, Gina & DT x x


brenda said...

Goodness me, I am first ! Really liked the sketch this week, thanks girls.

my card is here

B x

Pink Dandelion said...

Fab sketch. Some lovely DT cards.
Hope you like my card. Debs xx

Carola/Schokofee said...

What a wonderful sketch!
Here is my card


Squirrel x said...

Oh my! What superb DT cards gang, so much talent, so much inspiration! Fabulous sketch - now to find a bit of me time to have a go at it! Hugs, Squirrel xx

thread-bare said...

This is my first week here & you will have to forgive me as my range of promarkers is still on the small side. Great sketch. Here's mine!
x Clare x

thread-bare said...
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Camilla said...

Wonderful sketch! :)
My card

Powerful Search Engine said...

Here is my card hugs Pascale

Elina said...

here's mine, lovely dt-cards!

Loreal Blondi said...

You find my Christmas card here

Apris said...

Nice sketch and lovely DT cards.
Here is mine: http://apris-askartelunurkka.blogspot.com/2009/11/passion-for-promarkers-week-25.html

Julye said...

Fab DT cards I really loved some of the embellishments the shells particulrly looked really clever. Well onto my card. Plain and simple, loved the sketch my kind of design. Thanks for the challenge Julye

Unknown said...

Great sketch this week!!
My card is here
hugs Angela x

Anonymous said...

The DT cards are just gorgeous ! Here's mine Sue C x

Wilma said...

This is my first promarker challenge entry my card is here

Cathy said...

Fab sketch and gorgeous DT cards. Here is my card.
Thank you for looking,
Cathy xx

Jenni said...

Loved the sketch - hope you like my card
Jenni x

Cards By MI said...

Hi there!
Thanks for a lovely sketch. I had great fun working with it, and your DT cards are great. My entry is here

issy said...

Great sketch to work from, n the DT works of art are fabulous.

here's mine

Tracy said...

Great sketch, but i think i went off on a tangent slightly.lol I hope you can still see that i did base my card on the sketch.
Fab work from the DT as usual.
Anyway here's my card
Hugs Tracy x

Joey said...

Hi Everyone, fab sketch mine is here thanks for looking, I hope I remembered how to link right lol.Great dt creations. Joey.x

Emma said...

Fab cards :) Heres my card, hope you like it! Em xxx

Emma said...

Fab cards :) Heres my card, hope you like it! Em xxx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Nice simple sketch, great dt cards, what's happened to Mr Linky. janex
here's mine

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...
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Marianne's Craftroom said...

Fab sketch and love the DT cards. Here is my card Marianne x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Fab sketch and love the DT cards. Here is my card Marianne x

Crafty Cat said...
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Crafty Cat said...

Great sketch, here's my card

Jane said...

Loved this sketch...think I will be using it lots!

here’s mine


Nessie said...
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Nessie said...

Great sketch & Dt cards.

here is my entry.

TFL xxx

Jenny S. (UK) said...

Good sketch and some beautiful DT cards. Mine is Here TFL

AN said...

Korttini löytyy linkistä! hyvää viikonloppua! :)

Sue said...

Gorgeous sketch lovely DT work, here is my effort.
Thanks for looking, sue.x

Mary G said...

Such a lovely sketch and fab dt cards-just love the seashells!
Here's mine xx mary

Anonymous said...

Great sketch and lovely cards from the DT! Here is my card

Unknown said...

Great Sketch girls, love the DT proejcts they give so much inspirations, I hope you have time to pop over and take a look at my entry at http://avrilannwatson46.blogspot.com/

Sue said...

thanks for a great sketch and gorgeous cards by the DT:)

Here is my card


charmz said...

great sketch and GORGEOUS examples for inspiration as always...thanks ladies

here is my card

Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

fab sketch

hugs Jane x

Here is my card

Jackie said...

Great sketch, fab cards.

Here’s my entry

tfl, Jackie

Sally H said...

Wonderful cards from the DT. Here's mine and thanks for lookng!

Kat said...
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Kat said...

Fantastic sketch and gorgeous DT cards.

Here's my card.

Kat x

Karen said...

I love this sketch it's so lovely to work with so I'll definately be using it again.
Great cards everyone.
Here's Mine


Crafters Corner said...

Love the sketch and the DT cards, one day I hope to be as good!

Here is my offering

Squirrel x said...

Great sketch gang, and superb DT cards. Here's my offering Hugs, Squirrel xx

Nicki said...

Lovely sketch but I tweaked the main shape to fit my image, hope it's okay. You can see it here. Thanks, Nicki

Victoria said...

Another fab sketch, loved this one.

here’s my entry


Diamond Doll said...

Fab DT cards and i loved following this sketch you can find my card HERE
Trish (-:

Gro said...

Here is my entry for Ida's sketch.

Debz said...

A fab sketch to follow this week. My card can be seen here

crafty amy said...

Great challenge I love the DT creations

Here is my card

X Amy X

Lorraine said...

I really enjoyed this challenge.
Here's Mine

Tracey Gardner said...

Fab I love this sketch, I will definitly be using it again, heres my entry

Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...

Gorgeous cards from the DT! Here's mine.

Donna said...

Great DT cards girls!
Here's mine!

Unknown said...

Here is my card thanks for looking


Pernilla said...

This was a nice sketch to work with!

Here is my card

Madeleine said...

here is my go at it, a little different ;)

Hogata said...

Hello Everyone :) here is my card

Mervi said...

So beautiful samples and a great sketch, thanks! Here's mine.

Chrissie said...

Fab challenge, loved the DT cards!

The Happy Crafter said...

What a great sketch and fab design team cards, thanks for the inspiration

my card

jenny said...

Love the sketch and stunning cards from the talented DT x
Here's my card
Thanks for looking xx

Jenny xx

Danii said...

Love the sketch and the DT cards.
Here is my card
Hugs, Danica

tanjaak said...

Great sketch and DT cards. Here is mine.

Maria Therese said...

am I too late for this one?

Wiccababe said...

I'm afraid so Tessa, the challenges run from 9am Tuesday's to 9am the following Tuesday (GMT)

Maria Therese said...

too bad, I didn't find the end date anywhere. Maby you coul write it on the end of the blogposts? I love these challanges(when I have the right colors)