Tuesday 28 May 2024

Week 740 - special anniversary challenge winners!

Hello again crafters,  I’m back to announce our lucky winners for last week’s special anniversary challenge “anything goes”.  There were so many gorgeous entries and the DT had a wonderful time visiting your blogs.  Myself, Gina and all the DT would like to thank you for all your lovely comments and we really appreciate your support over the years and for making our little challenge blog the success it is today – without you it would be nothing. We would also like to say a big thank you to our sponsors for offering such amazing prizes each week.

Anyway enough of the sloppy stuff, here is the real reason you are here – the winners!  There are multiple winners this week as we had lots of lovely prizes up for grabs.  As always, to be fair, we used random.org and these are the chosen ones!:


Dies to Die For offered a £20.00 voucher and the lucky winner is:

No. 42


Rachelle Anne Miller offered a £10.00 voucher and the lucky winner is:

No. 10


Polkadoodles offered 3 digi images and the lucky winner is:

No. 44


Colour of Love digis offered 3 digi images and the lucky winner is:

No. 34


Sheepski Designs offered 3 digi images and lucky winner is:

No. 1


All Dressed Up stamps offered 2 digi images and the lucky winner is:

No. 32


Leann’s World 101 offered 2 digi images and the lucky winner is:

No. 28

Congratulations to everyone who has won a prize, we wish we could give you all something but we would need lots of prizes to do that lol!  Please can the winners email us at passionformarkerschallenge@gmail.com (please state the sponsor in the subject line) and let us know which images you would like and we will arrange for you to receive your prizes.  Unfortunately if you do not contact us before the next challenge goes live we will have to re-draw a new winner.

Thank you again for making our challenge blog such a success and we look forward to spending many more years with you!!

We hope you all have a wonderful week and find some time to enter our current challenge ‘going dotty’ – full details in the post below.

Hugs, Denise, Gina and DT x x

Week 741 - going dotty

Good morning lovely crafters, we hope you all had a fantastic week last week and enjoyed our special anniversary challenge.  Thank you for your gorgeous entries into last week’s ‘anything goes’ challenge.  It was lovely to have so many of you join us and as always the DT had a brilliant time visiting your blogs and seeing your beautiful creations.  Please remember to come back later as we will be announcing our 7 lucky winners – yes 7!!  Just for this one week there will be no Top 5 Passionista as there are so many winners.  

Onto the new challenge, which has been set by Karen from Team 2, and she has given us the fantastic theme of ‘going dotty’.  Karen doesn’t mind what you make this week as long as it has lots of dots on it.  It can be dots on your image, dotty paper, dotty ribbon or even a dotty embossing folder.  Such a simple theme this week and we cannot wait to see all your gorgeous entries.  Don’t forget you can enter any type of creation it doesn’t have to be a card.  As long as you have used your markers to do some colouring you can make whatever you like.  So just grab your markers, join in and have some fun!

Our generous sponsor this week is Clearly Besotted Stamps and they are offering one lucky winner a £15.00 voucher to spend in their online store. 

The design team have worked their magic once again this week and have created beautiful cards to inspire you (please click on their names to visit their personal blogs):

Another week of wonderful inspiration from the DT!! We hope you can join in with our challenge this week and we look forward to seeing what you create.

Stay safe and sending our love to you all.

Hugs, Denise, Gina and DT x x

Tuesday 21 May 2024

week 739 - Winner & Top 5 Passionista

Hello again friends; we hope you’ve had a great day so far.  We’re back to announce our lucky Winner and Top 5 Passionista for last week’s ‘let it bloom' challenge.  Thank you for all your lovely entries; as always the DT had a wonderful time visiting your blogs and seeing your gorgeous creations.  I’ll be announcing Marie's Top 5 Passionista in a moment but firstly let’s find out who our lucky winner is!

For last week’s challenge we were sponsored by Hetty Clare and they offered one lucky winner 2 digi images of their choice from their online store.  As always we used random.org and he chose:

No. 7

Congratulations Maz, your stepper card is beautiful.  Your image is gorgeous and your colour combo is fantastic.  We have a new email address so please contact us at passionformarkerschallenge@gmail.com and let us know which images you would like and we will arrange for them to be sent to you.  We hope you will proudly display our winners badge on your blog:

Now onto the Top 5 Passionista and Marie had a wonderful time visiting your blogs and seeing your amazing creations.  It was a really tough decision but after much deliberation here are her favourite 5:

Gail K

Lorraine B. 

Lynne R.

Maz (must be your lucky week!)


Congratulations everyone, you can now proudly display the top 5 passionista blinkie on your blogs.  If you need any help with this please email us at passionformarkerschallenge@gmail.com.

We hope you all have a wonderful week and find some time to join in with our current special anniversary challenge ‘anything goes’ - full details in the post below.

Stay safe and keep on crafting.

Hugs, Denise, Gina and DT x x

Week 740 - special anniversary challenge - anything goes


Grab a cuppa and a biscuit (or two) and make yourself comfortable!

Good morning dear crafters. We hope you had a good week last week and managed to fit some crafting into your busy schedules.  It was lovely to see so many of your gorgeous entries for last weeks ‘let it bloom’ challenge; as always the DT had a wonderful time visiting your blogs and seeing your beautiful creations.  Don't forget to check back later to find out who the lucky winner of the 2 digi images courtesy of Hetty Clare will be and to see who Marie has chosen as her Top 5 Passionista.

Onto this week's challenge and we have a very special one for you this week as it's our 15th Anniversary. Can you believe it's been 15 years since Gina and myself started our little blog?  It only seems like yesterday when we nervously made our first post!  Time flies when you’re having fun.  As it's a special challenge we have a really easy theme for you of "anything goes".  As the title suggests you can make anything you like this week as long you colour with markers.  We are hoping to see lots of entries but please note that as we have extra prizes up for grabs this week we are only accepting a maximum of 3 entries per person for this one challenge only.  Remember the only rule is colour your image with your markers and have fun!

As always we have some fantastic prizes up for grabs and our sponsors have been very generous as usual.  Here we go....


Dies to Die For are offering a £20.00 voucher


Rachelle Anne Miller is offering a £10.00 voucher


Polkadoodles are offering 3 digi images


Colour of Love digis are offering 3 digi images


Sheepski Designs are offering 3 digi images


All Dressed Up stamps are offering 2 digi images


Leann’s World 101 are offering one lucky winner 2 digi images


Wow we told you there were amazing prizes didn’t we? Definitely lots of reasons to join in the fun this week!! To give you lots of inspiration we have both Team 1 and Team 2 to share their creations (as always please click on their names to visit their personal blogs):

Stunning cards as always I’m sure you’ll agree.  Please remember for this challenge we will only accept 3 cards/projects per person.  Also just for this one week we will not be choosing a Top 5 Passionista as we have lots of extra winners, however this will go back to normal next week.

We hope you have a brilliant week and we cannot wait to see what you create.  Good luck!

Hugs, Denise, Gina and DT x x

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Week 738 - Winner & Top 5 Passionista

Hello again friends; we hope you’ve had a great day so far.  We’re back to announce our lucky Winner and Top 5 Passionista for last week’s ‘birthdays' challenge.  Thank you for all your lovely entries; as always the DT had a wonderful time visiting your blogs and seeing your gorgeous creations.  I’ll be announcing Elaine's Top 5 Passionista in a moment but firstly let’s find out who our lucky winner is!

For last week’s challenge we were sponsored by Dr Digi's House of Stamps and they offered one lucky winner 2 digi images of their choice from their online store.  As always we used random.org and he chose:

No. 5

Congratulations Patsy, what a pretty card. The image is gorgeous and your flowers and papers are beautiful. Please email us at passionformarkerschallenge@gmail.com and let us know which images you would like and we will arrange for them to be sent to you. We hope you will proudly display our winners badge on your blog:

Now onto the Top 5 Passionista and Elaine had a wonderful time visiting your blogs and seeing your amazing creations.  She thought her theme would be more popular but even so it was a really tough decision and after much deliberation here are her favourite 5:
Patsy Long (must be your lucky week)

Congratulations everyone, you can now proudly display the top 5 passionista blinkie on your blogs.  If you need any help with this please email us at passionformarkerschallenge@gmail.com.

Last week's winner has asked us to redraw another winner as she is unable to use digital images as she doesn't have a printer. We have used random.org as always and the lucky re-drawn winner of the 3 digi images courtesy of The Paper Shelter is:

No. 31

Lisa please grab a winner's badge for your blog and email us (address above) and let us know which images you would like and we will arrange for them to be sent out to you.

We hope you all have a wonderful week and find some time to join in with our current challenge ‘let it bloom’ - full details in the post below.

Stay safe and keep on crafting.

Hugs, Denise, Gina and DT x x