Next week from 1st September things are changing slightly so that more ProMarker lovers can join in. We will also be welcoming our first 2 guest designers, they are going to be staying with us for 4 weeks and they are,
This week Caryn has done a tutorial for her image that she is using for her challenge on Tuesday,
This is the image I have chosen for my card for next week’s challenge. I start by picking out my chosen colours usually dictated by the patterned paper I’m using – in this case the Chester range from Me and My Big Ideas.
Firstly I have coloured the boots, skirt and top with red, rose pink and mandarin respectively. I then go over the darker areas again where you would expect to find shadows (folds and curves).

I then take a darker shade of each of the main colours – in this case, Berry red, orange and coral and go over the darker areas again to give more depth. For the skin I start with a base layer of Ivory and then add dimension with Vanilla and Blush.

I have then used the blender pen over the colours to smooth out any harsh lines. For the hair (I’ve opted for blonde on this occasion) I start with a base of Gold leaving areas where the light would hit off it.

I have then gone over the Gold with Canary covering a part of the white area I left on the previous image. To give the effect of curves and shape to the hair I add depth at the roots and tips by going over again a few times with the Gold colour. In the final image I have coloured the wings with Satin and then used a quickie glue pen and sprinkled with Glamour Dust before going around the whole image outline with Cool Grey 1.

Well, hope this wasn’t too patronising for you– I hate to think I’m teaching Grandmother’s to suck eggs (must find out where that saying comes from!) but it’s sometimes interesting to see how other people’s methods might differ from our own. Hope it’s been of use to some of you anyway.

Caryn xxx