
Tuesday 10 November 2009

Week 24 – Top 5 Passionista

Well Manda has had a hard task this week as we had some amazing entries to last week’s ‘grass and canary’ colour combo.  The standard of work is just getting better and better and we’re so glad that you’re all enjoying using your promarkers so much :) 
So here is Manda’s top 5 passionista for week 24:

Well done ladies – you can now display the blinkie on your blog :)

Don’t forget to check out the Weekend Workshop on Friday. 
Hugs, Denise, Gina & DT x x


  1. congratulations ladies
    and well done on your choices manda - not an easy job this week!

  2. Whoooooooooooooo-hooooo!! Thank you so much Manda and gang - happy dance going on here! Can't tell you how thrilled I am. It was a fab challenge and I really enjoyed taking part, as I do every time. Thanks again babes. Hugs, Squirrelxx

  3. Congratulations ladies, there sure is some amazing work there.
    Tracy x

  4. WHOO-HOO! I am chuffed to bits. My daughter is looking at me as if I have completely lost it!!! Thanks so much ladies this means so much!!!!
    Hugs Pinky

  5. Made up to be picked, every week I enter and love this challenge. janex

  6. Thank you Manda, I am excited and so pleased to make the top 5. I'd do a dance too Squirel (if the knee's would let me)lol.

    Im new to this challenges, and to Promarkers, Ive been collecting them over the past few months, now I dont know what Id do without them.
