
Tuesday 20 October 2009

Week 21 – top 5 passionista

Wow we had some gorgeous entries to Gina’s sketch challenge last week and she had a really difficult task picking just 5.  We appreciate all your fab entries and wish we could pick more than 5 but at least it’s a little more special when you are chosen.  So without further ado here is Gina’s top 5 passionista for week 21:
**** Brenda ****

**** Donna ****

**** Emma ****

**** Norma ****

**** Vix ****

Congratulations ladies, you are now free to display the top 5 passionista blinkie on your blog. 

Don’t forget to check out the weekend workshop on Friday for another fantastic tutorial.
Hugs, Denise, Gina & DT x x


  1. Hi Gina and girls, thank you so much for making my day, I am so excited to have made your top 5 this week, I know you'll think me really sad but this has been a bit of a mission for me to get in your top 5 one week and I've finally done it...I am so happy and I will wear my blinkie with pride lol! Thanks girls for running such a fantastic challenge blog, I love your challenges each week and your girls really do rock :) Donna x

  2. Woo hoo! Thanks, Gina. I'm so thrilled to have made it into your top 5. You've made my day too. Congrats to the other 4 ladies. I'm with Donna re your challenge blog. And your tutorials are fabulous. I learn something new with each tut. Keep them coming!


  3. Well done everyone - your cards were all fabulous.
    Caryn xxx

  4. congratulations ladies - very well deserved

  5. Woo hoo huge thanks ladies...that's 5 times now!! Not that I am bragging or anything...
    Well done to the other ladies too, all stunning cards.
    Hugs Emma x

  6. Ooooh, thank you so much girls, I so struggle with cutsie, it gives me such a kick to know I am getting there.

    B x

  7. Wow twice, thank you ladies much appreciated x

  8. Hi, thank you so much for making my card the winner this week. First time!!!!!!!!!!
